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[1]     Chaos synchronization of coupled neurons via adaptive slidingmode control. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. (SCI)  

[2]       L2-optimal identification of errors-in-variables models based onnormalised coprime factors. IET Control Theory and Applications. (SCI)  

[3]       Bifurcations in the Hodgkin-Huxley model exposed to DC electricfields. Neurocomputing. (SCI)  

[4]       Adaptive lag synchronization based on topology identificationscheme of uncertain general complex dynamical networks. The EuropeanPhysical Journal B. (SCI)  

[5]       Parameter estimation of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model using noisymeasurements for membrane potential.   Chaos. (SCI)  

[6]        L2-optimal identification of MIMO errors-in-variables modelsfrom the v-gap geometrical interpretation.  International Journal ofControl. (SCI:)  

[7]      Robust controloriented identification of errors in variables models based on normalisedcoprime factors. International Journal of Systems and Science. (SCI)  

[8] EEG-based function networks evoked by acupuncture at ST 36A data-driven thresholding study.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNALOF MODERN PHYSICS B . (SCI)

[9]  Improvements in event-related desynchronization and classification performanceof motor imagery using instructive dynamic guidance and complex tasks. Computersin Biology and Medicine. (SCI)

[10] Toward heterogeneity in feedforward network with synaptic delays based onFitzHugh-Nagumo model.  International Journal of Modern Physics B. (SCI)

[11] Vibrational resonance in a randomly connected neural network. CognitiveNeuro Dynamics. (SCI)

[12] Effects of degree distributions on signal propagation in noisy feedforwardneural networks. Physica A. (SCI)

[13] A new precise positioning method for piezoelectric scanner of AFM. Ultramicroscopy.(SCI)

[14] A quantitative detection method for stress corrosion cracks in  turbinediscs using a BPSO-RBFNN model. Measurement Science and Technology. (SCI)

[15] Design and reliability analysis of electrical control system of computernumerical control (CNC) machine tools. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech. (SCI)

[16] Robust stabilization control of bifurcations in Hodgkin-Huxley model with aidof unscented Kalman filter.Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. (SCI)

[17] Quantitative analysis of pit defects in an automobile engine cylinder cavityusing the radial basis function neural network–genetic algorithm model. StructuralHealth Monitoring. (SCI)

[18] An Intelligent Control Scheme for Precise Tip-Motion Control in Atomic ForceMicroscopy. Scanning. (SCI)

[19] A Rate Adaptive Control Method for Improving the Imaging Speed of Atomic ForceMicroscopy. Ultramicroscopy. (SCI)

[20] Desynchronization in an ensemble of globally coupled chaotic bursting neuronaloscillators by dynamic delayed feedback control. International. Journal ofModern Physics B. (SCI)

[21]  Distributedrobust consensus control for nonlinear multi-agent systems by using outputregulation approach.  IMA Journal of Mathematical Control andInformation. (SCI)

[22] Modeling of electromagenrtic rail launcher system based on multi-factor effects.IEEE transactions on plasma science. (SCI)

[23] Research on the effect of electrical signals on growth of sansevieria underLight Emmitting Diode (LED) lighting environment. PLOS ONE. (SCI)

[24] A convex optimization algorithm for frequency-domain identification in thev-gap metric. International Journal of Adaptive Control and SignalProcessing. (SCI)

[25] Stochastic resonance in feedforward acupuncture networks. Commun NonlinearSci Numer Simulat.(SCI)

[26] Neural-networks-based distributed output regulation of multi-agent systems withnonlinear dynamics. Neurocomputing. (SCI)

[27] Effects of DC electric fields on neuronal excitability: a bifurcation analysis.International Journal of Modern Physics B. (SCI)

[28] 多模式刺激下运动想象脑电信号的特征调制研究. 生物医学工程学杂志. (EI)

[29] Electrochemical sensor for sulfide determinationin food additives. FunctionalMaterials. (EI)

[30]  Application of streaming effect and joule heatingeffect of pulse current in crack heating of metal materials. Journal ofChemists and Chemical Engineers. (EI)

[31]  Study on Energy Saving Control Electrical System inOffice Building. Chemical Engineering Transaction. (EI)

[32]  Research and application of virtual measuringinstrument based on BPNN algorithm in starch industry. Ce Ca. (EI)

[33]  A simple scanning method based on a sinusoidalwaveform for high-speed AFM speed atomic force microscopy. Lasers inEngineering. (EI)

[34]  Research and design of soft PLC based on ARM andSIPROM. Open Electrical and Electronic      Engineering.(EI)

[35]  Mathematic model based on rotating electromagnetictheory used in building a thermal circuit used in food heater. CarpathianJournal of Food Science and Technology. (EI)

[36]  Research and design of control system for vibrationtransmission machine. Chemical Engineering Transactions.(EI)

[37]  Control chaos for permanent magnet synchronous motorbase on adaptive backstepping of error compensation. International Journalof Control and Automation. (EI)

[38]  Design and development of measurement and controlsystem of mechanical-electrical-hydraulic integration            basedon programmable logic controller. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics,Optics and Mechatronics,.(EI)

[39]  A Novel Hybrid Intelligent Method for Fault Diagnosisof the Complex System. International Journal of Hybrid InformationTechnology. (EI)

[40]  Research on the application of PLC in the electricalautomation control. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Scienceand Technology. (EI)

[41]  多输入多输出带误差模型的最坏情况频域辨识. 控制理论与应用. (EI)

[42]  自然光照下基于粒子群算法的农业机械导航路径识别方法. 农业机械学报. (EI)

[43]  Error quantification of the normalized right graphsymbol for an errors-in-variables system. Control Theory and Technology.(EI)

[44]  An LED green light for new plant growth gabinetprecise temperature control system. Applied Mechanics and Materials. (EI)

[45]  基于petri网模型的柔性制造系统优化调度. 系统工程理论与实践. (EI)

[46]  An extension evaluation model of the operation stateof aero engine. Computer Modellling and New Technologies. (EI)

[47]  Performance Assessment Methods Methods of MIMOControl Systems based on Output Variance Limit. International Journal ofControl and Automation. (EI)

[48]  A Study on Crop Growth Environment Control System. InternationalJournal of Control and Automation. (EI)

[49]  Design of Interference Measurement System withCrystal. TELKOMNIKA. (EI)

[50]  Studyon segmentation of lettuce image based on morphological reorganization andwatershed algorithm.  CCDC2018. (EI)

[51]  R&Dof PLC Teaching Simulation Train PlatformBased on Unity 3D. WCSE 2018. (EI)

[52]  The Design of the Intelligent Window Control SystemBased on Wireless. ICMTMA 2018. (EI)

[53]  The Design of the Intelligent Window Control SystemBased on Wireless. ESAIC 2018. (EI)

[54]  A Weighting Function Design Method for the H-infinityLoop-shaoping Design Procedure. CCDC2018. (EI)

[55]  A Local Multi-robot Cooperative Formation Control. YAC2018.(EI)

[56]  Design of intelligent plant growth cabinetenvironment monitoring and control system. CCDC2018. (EI)

[57]  Design of access control system based on STM32 andvisible light communication. WCSE2018. (EI)

[58]  Analysis and design the controller for quadrotorsbased on PID control method. YAC2018. (EI)

[59]  The Application of Multiple Wireless Sensor DataFusion Algorithm in Temperature Monitoring System. WCSE2018. (EI)

[60]  Research on intelligent transportation system basedon improved ant colony algorithm. WCSE2018. (EI)

[61]  Modeling and Simulation of an Atomic Force MicroscopySystem in the Z Direction. IWMSE 2018. (EI)

[62]  Discrete sliding mode guidance law consideringdynamic characteristics for autopilot. YAC 2018. (EI)

[63]  Design of Smart Mirror Based on Raspberry Pi. ICITBS2018. (EI)

[64]  Research on brain-computer interface system based onDSP and ZigBee. WCSE 2018. (EI)

[65]  Design of Plant Growth Environment MonitoringSystemBased on Data Fusion Algorithm. WCSE 2018. (EI)

[66]  Study on temperature control in plant factory basedon neural network PID controller. WCSE 2017. (EI)

[67]  Predictive direct power control of three-phase pwmrectifier based on linear active disturbance rejection control. EITRT 2017.(EI)

[68]  Design for Network Card Module of USB Optical ModemBased on LED Visible Light Communication. CAC2017. (EI)

[69]  State Estimator Design of Cellular Neural Networkswith Neutral Time-varying Delays. ITNEC 2017. (EI)

[70]  Design of 100Mbps White Light LED based Visible LightCommunication System. ICSAI 2017. (EI)

[71]  Power Spectrum Analysis of EEG Signals Evoked by LEDAcupuncture in Healthy Subjects. CISP-BMEI 2017. (EI)

[72]  Universal MTPA control for permanent magnetsynchronous motor drives. ICRAE 2017. (EI)

[73] Research on Steady State Visual Evoked Potential based on FBCCA. CISP-BMEI2017. (EI)  

[74] Preliminary Determination of the Length of the Main Vein Based on ImageProcessing.CAC 2017. (EI) 

[75]  Design of Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Systemfor Plant Growth Cabinet Based on Data Fusion. CIAC 2017. (EI)

[76]  Research on control structure of microgrid systemwith grid-connected photovoltaic. CCDC 2017 . (EI)

[77]  Firing patterns in delayed feedforward networks withSTDP rules. CCC2017. (EI)

[78]  Distributed open-loop optogenetic control of corticalepileptiform activity in a Wilson-Cowan network. IEEE EMBS NER 2017. (EI)

[79]  Inertia Identification and PI Parameter Tuning ofPMSM Servo Drives . ACPEE 2017. (EI)

[80]  Study on active suppression control of drivetrainoscillations in an electric vehicle. ICMMR 2017. (EI)

[81]  Efficient Epileptic Seizure Detection Based onElectroencephalography Signal. CCC2017 . (EI)

[82]  Research on smooth switching method of micro-grid operation. IISA2017.(EI) 

[83]  Predictive Current Control of Permanent MagnetSynchronous Motor Based on Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control. ICEIE2016. (EI)

[84]  Design and implementation of PLC based reclosing deviceon synchronization line of small hydropower    stations.ICPRE 2016.(EI) 

[85]  Veins feature extraction for LED plant growth cabinet. CCC2016.(EI)

[86] Chaos synchronization of two light-emitting diode systems with complex dynamicsvia adaptive H-infinity control. ICMSEE2016. (EI)

[87] Research on visible light communication control system based on steady-statevisual evoked potential . IHMSC2015. (EI)

[88] Experimental study of the human retinal security by LED light. CMEEE2014.(EI)

[89] A multi-modal BCI system based on motor imagery. BMEI2015. (EI)

[90] Odor sources mapping with D-S inference in time variant airflow environmentsvia a mobile robot. IEEE-CYBER 2015. (EI)

[91]  Circuitboard defect detection based on image processing. CISP2015. (EI)

[92] Low Cost Control of Two Three-Phase PMSMs in Integrated Motor Drives andBattery Chargers for Electric Vehicle Application. ICEMS2015. (EI)

[93] An improved square-root algorithm for RTS Kalman smoothing. ICIA2015. (EI)

[94]  A comparision of open-loop and closed-loop DBS tocontrol the thalamic relay neuton's. CCDS2015. (EI)

[95]  Elimination of chaos in a light-emitting diode systemwith optoelectronic feedback. ICMSEE2015. (EI)

[96]  Sensitivity analysisi based model validation forHypersonic Vehicle model. CCC 2014 . (EI)

[97]  Spike-Frequency Adaptation of Neural Electrical SignalsEvoked by Manual Acupuncture. BMEI2014. (EI)

[98] Design of digital broadcast radio system based on STM32. AMSITI2014.(EI)

[99]  Memory and computing function of four-node neuronalnetwork motifs. WCICA2014. (EI)

[100]  Designof the Production Line Control System of beverage filling based on PLC. ICEMA2014.(EI)

[101]  Design of Hardware of Smart Plant Growth Cabinet. ICMEAC2014.(EI)

[102]  Research of feature extraction algorithm based onsteady-state visual evoked potential. CCDC 2014. (EI)





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